Attending AlFaisal University CoCreate Exhibition
Youssef Kusibati
1/17/20241 min read
On the 17th of January, we, the 21Verse team, had the opportunity to present our progress at the CoCreate Exhibition held at AlFaisal University. It was a successful exhibit where we obtained validation, connections, and set up future partnerships.
Before the exhibit, we were able to reach out to multiple professionals in the field from various Down syndrome organizations including Efada Center and SAUT. We were able to present our initiative and progress obtaining a lot of positive feedback and ways to improve upon our prototype.
Additionally, about 10 students from the Efada center were able to test our prototype. We've observed their immersed state, and noted what could be improved to make our platform more user friendly facilitating the process of accessing the services provided by our platform.
Furthermore, faculty members at AlFaisal University and renowned individuals in the field helped us refine our vision for 21Verse helping us set certain goals for the short and long term.
Overall, this exhibit was a success, and we are excited to share with you our journey!